A Personal Message from Todd Smith, President of AdventureSmith Explorations

Dear Friends,

What an incredible time to be at the forefront of expedition cruising!

For sixteen years we’ve been privileged to witness the joy of our travelers as they explore new worlds on small ships. We’re proud to be the catalyst and the link that allows our guests to reflect on the wildlife, landscape and culture of pristine and remote environments.

AdventureSmith Explorations manages a growing portfolio of roughly 300 small expedition ships and wilderness lodges. Our inventory is in high demand. This year guests enjoyed several new ships launched in 2019.

With our trusted partners who operate and own small ships and lodges (our staff personally vets each one), together we keep up with demand by growing our offerings and itineraries. The trend continues. In 2020 we will be featuring nearly 30 brand-new adventures in over 10 destinations (please see list that follows).

We also …

  • Expanded destination offerings that now include new itineraries for 2020 in Indonesia, Canada, Northern Europe and Patagonia.
  • Extended seasons. Alaska cruises have begun to be offered as early as April. Travelers can now cruise through Hawaii (Hawaiian Seascapes) year-round.
  • Offer more itineraries in emerging small ship destinations such as Australia and the Arctic, to date our largest expansion with now over 30 itineraries.

In other news, AdventureSmith Explorations is excited to announce the launch of our newly designed and enhanced website, now with a larger-format image experience (see the homepage), easier navigation, a Wishlist for saving favorite trips and deals and a refreshed mobile interface.

Through years of dedication and careful expansion we’ve become the go-to resource for small ship cruising. This means knowing our product top to bottom. In 2019 our company completed tours to Alaska, Galapagos, Arctic, Indonesia, Peru, Europeand Belize (some destinations visited by multiple staff members) to gather intel to match adventure travelers with the perfect trip. And many more staff trips are planned before year’s end to Antarctica, Galapagos, Australia, the Arctic and Amazon.

The media world has also rewarded us for our knowledge within the industry. Many friends and clients have shared with me the excitement of our receiving (for the sixth year) Conde Nast Traveler’s “Top Small Ship Travel Specialist” designation. We are proud of this distinction and will work hard to maintain it.

Thanks to our press friends for being on board with us with your stories, photos and blogs. Please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime if you’d like my insights on growing trends, exciting new destinations and breaking news in the world of small ship cruising!

Kindest regards,

Todd Smith, Founder and President

My Personal Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NEW for 2020 are these 29 brand new trips: