SALT LAKE CITY, UT, July 7, 2022 –WaiverSign is an established online waiver software provider ready to step onto any kind of stage, be it a sporting arena or a nail salon. With a 61% increase in total accounts over the past two years, WaiverSign is now seeing businesses use its affordable online software for more than just liability waivers.
WaiverSign allows businesses to move away from the collecting waivers and other agreements on paper and instead collect them electronically. In the process, WaiverSign helps businesses collect and store signed waivers and other agreements; plus it helps them collect customized customer data.
Also not to be overlooked is the fact that awell-drafted liability release educates potential participants about what risks they might face as part of the covered activities, and, if applicable, what kinds of skills they need to participate safely. The participants can use that information to decide whether the activities are right for them. Many will decide to go forward, knowing what is involved; a few might not.
While an online release of liability form is the most common agreement facilitated by WaiverSign, WaiverSign is helping businesses digitize other types of agreements that are signed repeatedly by clients and participants. The agreements run the gamut and include:
Here’s how WaiverSign interfaces with new clients. Interested businesses and organizations send WaiverSign their waivers, release forms, or other agreements. The WaiverSign team then converts these documents to an online digital version. These digital agreements can then be linked to a website, emails, kiosks, or a QR code. The system that makes it easy for patrons of businesses and organizations to then sign the waivers. Signed documents are then securely stored but retrievable within seconds only by authorized staff. This signing/storage/retrieval feature applies to unlimited documents that may be required by, for example, large sporting events.
“Event coordinators are especially appreciative of WaiverSign for helping them secure upwards of what can be thousands of waivers per event,” noted Bob Birrell, WaiverSign’s Senior Business Development Manager.
In addition to being easy to use, WaiverSign offers clients an easy way to spiffy up their professional appearance with custom branding that includes custom logos, images and colors. Those signing WaiverSign may do so in any of multiple languages available.
“We’ve tried to anticipate all of the questions and concerns that businesses and organizations new to the concept of waivers may have,” explained Birrell. “And then we go further in our online Q&A into their concerns, which allows us to address the conveniences of digital compared to the old-fashioned system utilizing paper waivers, and, in a courtroom setting, the benefits of digital compared to paper waivers.”
He noted that from banking to real estate transactions, more and more industries rely on, and indeed prefer, the electronic approach to serving up documents, and receiving signatures.
“Removing the tedious and inefficient paper process is a sigh of relief for both businesses and customers. Those who switch never look back. They absolutely love the new process and how easy it is with WaiverSign. At only the cost of a sandwich each month, it’s a no-brainer for any small business and still far more cost-effective than paper for large businesses,” advised Birrell.
About WaiverSign
Founded in 2013, WaiverSign offers one of the most efficient, easy-to-use digital liability waivers and electronic liability release solutions available in today’s marketplace. An API (Application Programming Interface) allows other reservation and customer relationship databases to push and pull customer data directly to and from WaiverSign. This provides a simple and fool-proof way for collecting customer information in whatever reservation system being used. For more information, visit /or call 877.741.7705.
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Media Contact Widness & Wiggins PR:
Sara Widness: 802.234.6704 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dave Wiggins: 720.301.3822 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.